
Monday, April 5, 2010

Life is sometimes dissapointing

Has anyone else ever noticed that when you start doing things right and life is going well, a roadblock pops up and tries to ruin everything? I have been waking up early and doing a half an hour of devotions with my God, starting my day out on the right foot. It has been wonderful. I am not a morning person at all, but it has been so refreshing and a time that I have started looking forward to. Then, on Good Friday, we went to church and it was really a time of self-examination for me. I am so humbled when I think about all that God sacrificed for me, and each Good Friday service I attend, it seems to hit me harder and harder. This year, I was hit really hard by something that the Pastor said that I had never thought of before. The crown of thorns placed on Jesus head, where did it come from? My first thought was a rose. But the Pastor blew me away with his response. Go back to Genesis he said. Ok...In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve sinned and God said that thorns and thistles would cover the earth. The thorns were a direct effect of our sins. Our sins were on His head. I was stunned. Why had I never thought of that before? Sometimes I am disappointed in how naive I can be. So with this heavy on my heart, we head home. It is still on my heart today, even after Easter. Sometimes things like that are just what I need to hear to put a new perspective on something that has been in my life as long as I can remember. I didn't go to the Good Friday service expecting to learn something new, I thought I knew it all. How wrong was I?
The next day wasn't so great. Hence the title. No details, but it just kind of sucked and disappointed me. I have got to learn sometime soon in my life that people will disappoint me, and no matter how much I hope that I am wrong about something or someone, I can't change them. I can't just will them to be who I want them to be. And it sucks that I have realized this over and over by being disappointed. So waking up on Sunday morning, I wasn't exactly in the Easter morning mood. I was still in Good Friday mood, sad and gloomy. Church was good, we were greeters and I love seeing smiles on other people's faces. I also love hugs, so it was a good place for me to be. We spent the afternoon in Lake Preston with Allen's family. It was good to see everyone and spend time with them again.
It has been an interesting week in the heart of Tracy, I have felt a whole array of emotions and I am still figuring out how to deal with some of them. But I will continue in my devotion time and pray that God can help me sort them out. Because with God, everything will make sense eventually.

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