
Thursday, December 24, 2009

The First One

So, here it is! The first blog! I figured since I live away from my friends and family ( a whole hour ! lol) this would be a good way to keep them informed! It is Christmas time again, and we are hoping to make it to Iowa tonight and then move on to Lake Preston on Saturday and end up in Menno, if the weather would cooperate it would be great! Looks like we might be driving through some interesting blizzard-like weather to get to our parties!
Since Allen and I got married over a year ago, I have been making our house into a home. I LOVE decorating and changing colors and trying new things. About a year ago, my sister and I painted a few walls in the house. Chocolate brown and a surprising bright green. (I was going for a Starbucks green in the kitchen, ended up with more of a lime green--good thing I picked to do that on only one wall!) Last night my husband and I painted the rest of our bedroom walls Fools Gold. I was a little worried about chocolate and yellow up next to each other, but it looks wonderful! I can't wait to finish it up with the ceiling. Two different colors are going up there because there is kind of a square cut out and it goes up. I will post pictures of it when it is finished! I am also planning on painting the bathroom and the entry way soon! Then I can start putting some vinyl up on the walls!
Allen and I have been very blessed in our marriage so far and we love every minute of it. We can't wait to see what the future holds for us!
We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and safe travels this weekend!

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