
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

6 month old little man

 You officially turned 6 months old last Sunday. I can't believe we have had you for half of a year already! You are such a big boy...weighing in at 18.1 pounds, you have so much chub on your legs, when we give you a bath you have to move the rolls to clean between them - chunky little man :) You holler all the time, at anything and everything. I feel bad for your toys because you are either hollering at them or throwing them. Let's hope your social skills get better before you try to make friends :).

Yesterday, I fed you avocados for the first time. This is your first "real" food and here is a photo of what you thought of it...obviously not impressed with the initial taste, but you ate the entire half of it!

Your faces were absolutely hilarious while you were eating it, but you opened your mouth for more every time! Goofy goofy boy!

Today, I finally got you to sit long enough to get a picture of it, and you made an adorable face while I snapped a picture - you little cutie pie!

We love you to pieces and love watching you grow and change before our eyes! Happy 6 months my little man!
Love you,