
Monday, November 11, 2013

18 Months Old

  Today you are 18 months old. I can hardly wrap my mind around it! These have been the fastest 18 months (with some of the longest nights) of my life. Looking back and seeing how much you have changed, grown and learned is amazing.
  You rarely walk, you prefer to run, pretty much everywhere. You love tractors, animals, Thomas the train and your Papa (my dad). You are starting to talk more and more, but a lot of  "words" sound the same. A few of your favorite words are: car, truck, tractor, woof, dada, llama, Thomas, lovey, Papa, vroom, Elmo, Pooh, Tigger, bath and milk. Mommy usually knows what you are trying to say, but other people have to guess. You LOVE to read books. We probably read at least 10 books a day. Good Night Good Night Construction Site and Steam Train Dream Train are mandatory at night before bed. Whenever we go to any store you say hi and smile at nearly everyone. You really know how to make people smile. Everywhere we go, people tell me how cute you are, so I know it's not just me who thinks you are adorable! You are the sweetest little man, when you want to be. But lately when I ask for a kiss you hide your face, you little stinker! You recently figured out how to dump water on your head at bathtime and you think it's the funniest thing ever! Your belly laugh is hilarious-it makes everyone around laugh too. You are a ham - and you never pass up the opportunity to be the center of attention.
  You are still a mommy's boy, and I hope that never changes. I love your snuggles, the rare kisses, and when you pat my back. It's precious. I am so enjoying this stage of your life. You are starting to listen to directions and your facial expressions are absolutely precious. A lot of our friends are on babies #2 and 3, but I am in no hurry to add to our family. I want to get every bit of love out of this stage that I can, because it's going by so quickly. Sometimes, especially lately, I wish I could find a pause button.
  I literally love you more than life itself and I can't remember what life was like without you. I love every minute of time I get to spend with you little man - even the at least once daily melt down that you have. I love you my baby boy. I can't wait to watch you grow and learn more every day. You are my world little man.


I asked him to pick up his toys. Apparently tractors sleep on the table.
He is constantly "reading" books :)
Such a little cutie!