
Friday, January 18, 2013

The faces of Silas

This boy (who has stolen my heart) makes the most adorable faces! They just make me giggle and wonder what in the world he could be thinking! There is a sample for you!

Very skeptical about going on a walk in January!

Loves being naked (pretty much) & thinks he is big stuff standing up!

What?! It's Christmas?!

Sweet! I get to open the presents you keep taking me away from!

Just too funny for words!

And this one...its in a frame much cuteness!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Sometimes I complain about Silas and how whiney he can be and how I hate when he is fussy and how much work he can be sometimes. Every time I get really frustrated, something is brought to my attention that makes the thankful for the things I was just complaining about. Last week, a friend lost her baby at 29 weeks pregnant. Just thinking about their situation brings tears to my eyes and makes my heart beat fast. I simply can't imagine what they are going through right now. It makes me thankful for the fussy, teething baby who tests my patience because he wants to go, go, go all the time. It makes me thankful that I get to wake up at 2 am when he just wants to snuggle. It breaks my heart to imagine what her heart must be going through. Don't take anything for granted. Love every moment with your little ones, even the frustrating ones, because there are people who don't get to experience it and I'm sure they would give anything to take care of their baby, even when they are fussy.