
Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Blizzard Adventure

What a week! We weren't sure we were even gonna make it out of Harrisburg, much less all the way from Sioux Center to Menno! But we did it! We left Thursday afternoon for Sioux Center to spend Christmas Eve/Day with my family. Christmas Eve we just hung out and watched movies. Christmas Day opened gifts in the morning & then had Grandpa and Grandma Byl & Uncle Evan over for dinner. After dinner Teri & TJ went tubing behind Evan's Jeep. We got some great pictures and got to get out of the house for awhile! They had a blast! We got home and played a game & watched another movie.

Saturday morning Allen and I decided we would try to head out for Menno. We left at about 1:30 and made it there around 3:15. The roads were pretty good up until Canton. The wind was blowing pretty good and there were lots of fingers of snow on the roads, but we made it! We had fun opening gifts Saturday night with Rano & Cindy & the boys. Sunday we went to church and had the Christmas Eve program after church since the weather kept that from happening! We went back to the Kirschenman's and had a delicious turkey! Then the Jones family came from Hartford and we did a little "Hesby" Christmas there! It is so fun hanging out with Sara and Cari! We always have a blast with them. We played a game to see who got what for gifts. Then we snacked on some super nutritious Christmas candy!

We headed back for Harrisburg around 5:30 and knew we were gonna have a lot of snow clean up to do. ( I say we like I intended on helping lol!) We couldn't even get in our driveway! I hung out at Paul's house and played with Miya while the boys (Allen & Paul) cleaned off the driveway at least enough to get the truck inside so I could start unpacking. I had everything out and put away before they got done. We are so thankful that brother Paul lives so close to help out with such fun tasks!

We really enjoyed Christmas with our families and will have lots of great memories from this year! We hope you all enjoyed your Christmas' and that you got to spend it with the ones you love!

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